The International Office at Trier University is able to provide financial support for students using sponsorship funds from the German Academic Exchange Service and the Scholarship Foundation for International Students and Young Academics for the state of Rhineland-Palatinate. The primary aim of this financial support is to enable qualified international students to concentrate on their degree and final dissertation., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The University of Trier will provide the study expenses in the following manner:

  • Up to 350 Euros per month for students in Bachelor’s programs
  • Up to 400 Euros per month for students in Magister, Master’s, Diploma, or State Exam degree programs

Eligibility: To be eligible, the applicants must meet all the following criteria:

  • Are not of German nationality
  • Are registered at Trier University in order to acquire a degree qualification need financial support and who, based on their previously achieved grades, are likely to graduate within a maximum of two semesters.
  • Are proficient in English language

Application Deadline: September 10, 2021

Eligible Countries: International

Type: Bachelor’s and Master’s, Diploma, or State Exam degree programmes

Value of Awards: Varies

Number of Awards: Not Known

Method of Application: Applicants have to take admission in the degree coursework at the university. After that, they can download and complete an application form for this funding position.

Visit The Official Website For More Information

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