E status report is the new cac forms issued to entities upon registration
Recently the commission announced the introduction of a document format called E-status report to replace the CAC forms issued upon new registration/incorporation of all entities. The E-status report will now replace the Form CAC 1.1 for company registration, BN 1 for Business name registration, IT form 1 for Incorporated Trustees
The E-status report is available upon payment of the sum of N5000 to an accredited cac agent, excluding the service charge .
How to get E- status report free, its almost impossible getting the e- status report free, however newly registered entities, such as business names, company, and incorporated trustees, get the E- status report free Upon fresh registration.
The timeline to get the status report free is 7 days from the date of registration of the business name, company or incorporated trustee. it need be noted that after 7 days, the E- status report will no longer be issued free by cac.
The same rule applies to cac certificate of registration/ incorporation issued to business names and companies.
The new e- status report is very important, as it reveals the details of the directors and proprietors of the business name or company.