CAC change of shareholder

Our taste changes, so is the desire for a particular thing, such as love for a particular name ,before application to cac, one is expected to come up with a name, but most occasion ,not all names ends serving the long term purpose of the business., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The corporate affairs commission makes it open for proprietors of business name, shareholders or directors of a company,and trustees of Incorporated trustees ,to change the name of the registered entity.

The Timeline for changing the profile information of a registered entity is 48hours after registration with cac.

In this premise, a business can change its name immediately after 48 hours of registration of the company.

To change the name of a company, Business name or incorporated trustee registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Conduct a Name Search: Before changing your company’s name, you need to conduct a name search on the CAC website. This is to ensure that the proposed name is available and is ready for the purpose of changing of the name.
  2. Meet An Accredited cac Agent:it is important to emphasize that although you might have your own portal as a non accredited cac agent, making changes to a registered entity requires ,the registered portal of an accredited cac agent.
  • A copy of the company’s current Certificate of Incorporation
  • The approved name reservation form
  • A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company with the proposed name included for Limited liabilty company.
  • A copy of the Board Resolution approving the change of name only applicable to limited liabilty company(for Incorporated trustees, the minutes if meeting replaces it.
  • Minutes of meeting signed by the chairman and secretary.
  • Newspaper publication for Incorporated trustees
  • Notice of Meeting publication at the headquarters of the NGO.
  • Payment receipt for the filing fee
  1. Submit the Documents to CAC: Once you have gathered all the necessary documents, you need to submit the documents online through the CAC portal.
  2. Wait for Confirmation: After submitting the documents, you will receive a confirmation email from CAC stating that the change of name has been approved. You will also receive a new Certificate of Incorporation with the new name, and a status report evidencing the change.

It is important to note that the process of changing a company name with CAC can take several days, depending on the workload of the CAC office. Also the RC number of the company will not be affected by the change.

By admin

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