How To Check Jamb Result Online by Registration Number and SMS

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JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board) is not strange for Nigerian youths seeking admission in higher institutions. JAMB is an organization in Nigeria that is responsible for conducting entrance examinations for students who wish to gain admission into tertiary institutions such as universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education.

JAMB is very important for students who seek higher education, because it is a requirement for admission into the majority of tertiary institutions within the country.

After taking the JAMB examination, you need to check your results to know your performance and eligibility for admission into your desired institutions. This is where the Jamb online result checker comes in. It is a platform provided by Jamb where students can access and check their Jamb results online.

The JAMB online result checker is important for Jambites because it makes it easier and more convenient for them to access their results from the comfort of their homes or any location with an internet connection.

Before the introduction of the online result checker, you will have to physically visit JMB offices to check your results. I remember during my period as a Jamb candidate, it was really strenuous exercise. I had to sleepover at a friend’s house as it was impossible to complete the exercise the same day. It was time-consuming and stressful, too.

Another advantage of the Jamb online result checker is that it makes application processes to tertiary institutions very easy and simple.

For instance, if your JAMB result is good enough, you can proceed with the admission process to your desired institution. On the other hand, if the result is not satisfactory, you can start planning to retake the exam or seek alternative educational options.

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In the course of this post, we’re going to show you exactly how to access the Jamb online result checker. We’ll briefly discuss each step involved, and we’ll equally discuss how to check your Jamb result. Make sure to stay glued.

How to Access the JAMB Online Result Checker

The only legit way of accessing Jamb online results is by visiting the Jamb official result checking portal. To access the Jamb result online checker, take the following steps:

Step 1: To check your Jamb result, you must have a device that has an internet connection. This may be a phone, laptop, computer, tablet, etc. If you don’t have any of those, you can use a friend’s or better yet, visit the cyber cafe. Once you have access to the required device, visit the official result checking portal at https://www.jamb.gov.ng/Efacility. Once the website opens, login and look out for the “Check UTME Result” link.

Step 2: Once logged in, you’ll be required to provide some necessary details. On the results checker platform, provide your registration number and other necessary details. Ensure that you input the correct details to avoid any issues.

Step 3: Check your Jamb result. Once you have confirmed that your Jamb registration number is correctly entered, you’ll see a “check result” button. Click on it and wait for the portal to process and display your Jamb result on the screen.

Step 4: Cross-check your JAMB result.

At this particular period, it will have dawned on you what your JAMB score is. You will see your scores in each of the four subjects you sat for, namely, English language, which is compulsory, and any other three subjects that align with your course of study. You’ll equally see your total JAMB score. At this point in time, your focus will gradually start shifting towards printing your JAMB score.


Step 5: Print your Jamb results.

After confirmation of your Jamb results, the next step to take is printing your Jamb results; this step is necessary because you definitely will be needing the printed Jamb results for further references.

 To print, search for the “Print Result Slip” button on the portal; you’ll be required to pay a token for it; once you click on it, you’ll be prompted to enter your Jamb registration number again; carefully enter the correct registration number and click on the “Print Result Slip” button again; automatically, your result slip will be displayed for you to see; you will now have to print it out by clicking on the print button; there you go.


Summarily, the JAMB online result checker is a platform that allows you to access your JAMB results online. To check your results, you need to visit the JAMB website, provide your registration number, and other necessary details.

After checking your JAMB results, you can print your result slips, check your admission status, recheck your results, apply for a change of course or institution, or consider other options.

You should ensure that you keep a hard copy of your result slip and follow the admission processes of the institution you are applying to.

By following the steps  in this post and making informed decisions, you can successfully navigate the JAMB examination and admission processes.

By admin

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