vacancy for agency manager and unit manager at brits property lagos

Brits property is recruiting to fill the vacant position for an agency and unit manager in lagos., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Brits property lagos, is into real estate property development and sales of landed property within lagos.

Job Description

The applicant is to posseses five years experience in sales as a sales manager.

The Applicant is supervise the activities of the sales team in your Agency,including marketing activities like product activation.

The Applicant will be in charge of recruiting , training of 4 competent unit managers.

Prepare and deliver sales presentation

Drive sales initiatives,strategies and sales plans required to build visibility and to ensure agency achieves its set target.

The Manager is to possess deep knowledge of product offering and value proposition

The Applicant is to possess sales knowledge and know the trends in the market.


The Applicant must reside within ikeja, ikorodu or Alaba

Mode of Application

The Applicant is to forward cv to

BENEFITS: Commission on sales and 70k to 150k salary monthly.

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