10 profitable businesses you can do in Dubai as a foreigner.

10 profitable businesses you can do in Dubai.

Dubai’s strategic position as one of the most growing and thriving cities around the globe had made the country the global trade hub at the intersection of Asia, Europe, and Africa, and an ideal market for both local citizens and foreigners.

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Dubai is a nice center for all kinds of businesses and due to its overpopulation and stable economic growth, lots of new entrepreneurs consider having their businesses set up in this region.

Records have it that, more than 30 million people are living in Dubai, and many are planning to find their way there, to boost their global footprints. You can also leverage this opportunity too.

Are you a foreigner in search of a profitable business to start up in Dubai?

If you’ve answered yes to this question, then you’re so lucky to be reading this article on our website now.

We’ve made your search easier for you.

We’re going to show you the amazing 10 profitable businesses you can do in Dubai as a foreigner, and the benefits you get doing business in this wonderful country.

Read on as you learn more.

10 profitable businesses you can do in Dubai as a foreigner.

Here are the businesses you can venture into, in the United Arab Emirates markets to generate big revenue.

They are as follows:

  1. Tech business – website building.
  2. Consultancy Services.
  3. Yoga center business.
  4. Cosmetics products business.
  5. Entertainment business.
  6. Mini importation business.
  7. Laundry and dry-cleaning business.
  8. CryptoCurrency business.
  9. Cybersecurity business.
  10. Foodstuff business.

Having listed the 10 profitable businesses to set up in Dubai, now let’s discuss them one after another.

Just stick around as you learn all.

1. Tech business – website building.

Dubai’s technology sector has been growing and developing rapidly for many years. And as there are tons of new businesses set up in the region, starting a tech business makes it an ideal market for you.

You can focus on website building since there are lots of businesses and more about to be set up soon, the business owners will surely need websites to showcase their businesses to the whole world.

However, you can decide to venture into this profitable business in Dubai to help entrepreneurs design and launch their websites, and yet make enormous gains for yourself.

2. Consultancy Services.

This is also one of the 10 profitable businesses you can do in Dubai as a foreigner, that makes a lot of sense.

As there are many other foreigners like you in Dubai who may want to open a new company or businesses, and hence may never know their way about in the country, starting a consultancy business to help both the locals and international dwellers make their business set up and registration journey easy is a great move.

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Though, before you join this industry, ensure you’ve good proficiency and background in a specific field. You can choose to be a business, immigrant, marriage consultant, real estate etc, and earn a living from this career.

3.Yoga center business.

According to research, Yoga is one of the exercises many folks in Dubai enjoy doing to be more fit, and flexible, and to relax their bodies and minds.

Due to the busy routine in Dubai, some individuals especially working-class adults find it difficult to concentrate at work, therefore making Yoga one of the high-in-demand and booming businesses in the Emirates.

So, if you’re a lover of a good lifestyle, you can leverage this ample opportunity to set up a Yoga business center in Dubai, and become a Yoga mentor or therapist – to help both the sick and healthy, adults and young ones boost their physical and mental health. The average cost for Yoga classes ranges from \$20 – \$25 per hour, now check how much you could make in a year. I think your guess is as good as mine!

4. Cosmetics products business.

Cosmetics have become a necessity worldwide including in Dubai. It ranges from skin lotion, and facial painting, to fragrance and more.

The record has it that the Emirate is one of the regions where the entertainment industry is doing exceptionally well, as it’s the home of celebrities who must need make-up before going to perform. And not only that, rich weddings, birthday parties, photoshoots, shows, etc, are the order of the day over there.

So you see, we need people who can sell and supply those cosmetics items to make-up artists, and the good news is that you can gladly be a make-up artist, a dealer of all kinds of cosmetics, and acquire wealth in Dubai.

5. Entertainment business.

As stated above, Dubai happens to be a nice locality for entertainment as it houses more international people who love to flex around and chill out in the city. However, this makes another profitable business you can do in Dubai as a foreigner.

It doesn’t require much to set up this kind of business, all you need is a good location and funds, and then you are set to go. Setting up this business in UAE will fetch you a huge sum of money more than you ever imagined.

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6. Mini importation business.

This involves importing goods from other countries like China, Turkey, etc. You choose to either import hair, car parts, phone accessories, wristwatches, shoes, bags, clothes, etc, at a cheaper rate and then resell them to your customers at your own pace and price.

As Dubai is full of wealthy people who love good fashionable gadgets, so consider this lucrative business as one of the 10 profitable businesses you may prefer to do in Dubai and give yourself that comfortable life you deserve.

7. Laundry and dry-cleaning business.

Due to the busy lifestyle of the people living in Dubai, the demand for laundry and dry-cleaning services has grown high recently.

Right now, the laundry business is top-notch and highly lucrative in the whole Emirates. You can choose to set up this business in the mainland, offshore, or the free zone area, though depending on your budget and funding, the choice is yours to make.

Starting a commercial laundry and dry-cleaning business in a populated country like Dubai is not only a great idea but also an excellent choice that will yield better revenue for you as well as boost your global footprint as a foreigner.

8.CryptoCurrency business.

Dubai has become a diversified marketplace for all sorts of businesses and right now it’s thriving as a prominent destination for CryptoCurrency businesses.
And just recently, the country almost generated AED400,000 billion just from the CryptoCurrency market alone.

That’s to say, this business is amongst the most profitable businesses you can do in Dubai as a foreigner. It doesn’t require much, all you’ve to do is, know the popular Cryptocurrencies in the UAE market such as Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum, Dogecoin, etc, get your trading license, and earn a boost in this developing sector.

9.Cybersecurity business.

Due to the several fraud news rampant globally including in Dubai, 85% of businesses and companies both offline and online now required the services of cybersecurity personnel to assist them in tackling their cyber attacks.

Hence, making this business prosperous, and with this high in-demand for cyber fraud protection in Dubai, it’s an excellent chance for you to launch your Cyber Security business and earn massively. The cost of starting this business is approximately AED25,000 or more.

10.Foodstuff business.

As one of the basic needs of life. The foodstuff business is yet a profitable business you can think of venturing into. With the busy lifestyle of the residents of Dubai, the food vendors and restaurants are reportedly doing well, making this industry a great means of livelihood in the region.

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You don’t have to worry about a lot of capital or store before you start selling foodstuff, what makes it even more interesting is that you can sell from the comfort of your own home and still won’t lack customers.

Advise: Before you start or launch any of these businesses discussed above, ensure to register with the right regulatory bodies. Don’t just jump to launch your business without understanding the laws governing the industry and make sure to satisfy the requirements to avoid issues with the Dubai government in the future.

3 amazing benefits of doing business in Dubai.

Although there are tons of benefits that come with operating your business in Dubai. Here are the 3 most important ones.

  • Access to the international market: Dubai is a hub for International business. Hence, a bunch of entrepreneurs and investors from numerous nations aimed to open their start-ups in Dubai, and so collaborating with these businesses gives you a great chance to grow up your business at the International level.
  • Government supports: The Dubai government supports business setups in the region and make it easy for you, therefore, you’ve ample opportunity to explore diverse business sectors with no currency restrictions.
  • Tax-free: As a foreigner doing business in Dubai comes with a 0% tax payments benefit which will make you spend less but earn extra profit.

Final words.

As you know, Dubai has the most conducive and convenient environment to run all types of legal businesses, and a simple way to establish new businesses over there.

Having read and understood the 10 profitable businesses you can do in Dubai as a foreigner, we hope the information here, helps you to start your new business in the Emirates.

Be free to tell us which of these businesses you are willing to venture into, also inform us in the comment section below – if you need more guidance to assist you in this journey.

Good luck as you set up your business in Dubai.

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