A company registered in any of the status can be converted to another status. sometimes a change is necessary to drive a desired result, and this happens often in the life of a company. A company as a going concern can desire to meet a new goal, carry out new projects or change from its present status in order to cut costs.

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A conversion of company status or re registration is the appropriate status in corporate practice, directors and share holders meet to discuss the way forward of a company, and one of the discussions might be to change a company and its type, its objectives, its share capital ,its management and et.al.

How to effectively convert or re register a company in Nigeria,present company and allied matters Act 2020,allows for the company to change and be re registered from Private company to a public company,from a public company to a private company, from a private limited company to an unlimited company, from a public limited company to an unlimited company.

A private company whether limited or unlimited may be re registered as a public company limited by shares .


The company directors must pass an application to the commission after passing a special resolution for the re-registration.

The company shall pass a special resolution altering the memorandum and articles of association of the company.

The company directors shall effect the necessary change in the memorandum of associations which states the company is a public/private company.

The directors shall remove any restriction of power not exercisable by the company under old status.

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The directors of the company shall alter the company share capital where necessary.

The directors of the company shall alter and upgrade the companies net assets.

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