Top Loan Companies In Nigeria, pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Do you wish to obtain a loan? Searching for best loan Apps and companies in Nigeria? Well worry less because we got you in this post.

With the current economic challenges and the problem of inflation hitting the country. Many Nigerians have resorted to borrowing to attend to a very pressing matter, while others borrow to invest in their respective businesses. Whichever way it is, taking a loan is not a bad thing to do, and as a matter of fact, it’s necessary for growth if you are doing so as an entrepreneur. Even the richest countries and peoples in the world are borrowers. But this doesn’t mean you should take unnecessary or uncalculated loans because you will bear the consequences yourself. Always take loans you are sure to pay back.

Nonetheless, there are lots of loan companies out there, but what makes each different are the issues like maximum loanable amount, interest rates, criteria, and legality. Some of them might be offering a good loan sum, but interest rates could be high. While some others with good interest rates could only offer a sum that is too small for your loan needs. So we will be listing out some of the best loan companies in Nigeria.

Top Loan Apps & Companies In Nigeria

1. RenMoney

Renmoney is a microfinance bank and loan organization. The organization has been giving loans to SMEs and macro-business owners over the past few years.

In order for you to get loans from Renmoney you need to have some financial records in your bank account and must have a standing business. You can borrow as high as 6 million and as low as N100,000 with an interest of 2.8% monthly.


You must possess a valid bank account with a commercial bank. Statement of account up to 6 months.


You must be at least 22 years of age and be an employee or business owner with a good bank statement record.

A valid passport photo

2. Kiakia Loan

As the name implies, “kiakia” means “fast fast,” is a loan organization that loans private individuals and businesses money swiftly. The company is in partnership with Sterling Bank, so when you want to take a loan from them, you will be prompted to open a Sterling Bank Kiakia kia loan app,offers a peer to peer lending investment platform,so you can become a lender and make return on your money lent out.

Unfortunately, you might not be allowed to borrow a huge sum of money if you are borrowing for the first time, as its minimum is N50,000 with a monthly interest of 3.5%.

Application Procedures

1. Create an account on their website by filling out the application with the necessary information and documents.

2. Upload your passport photo.

3. Determine the loan amount and repayment period.

4. Include a screenshot of your salary or busines transaction(for entrepreneurs) in the last three months.


SMEDAN is a government-facilitated loan agency. Its main aim is to provide SMEs with recommendations on the best loans to boost their businesses. They also train entrepreneurs on how best to invest the loans given to them. To get their loan, you have to visit their website and apply online, you will also need to get your business registered with cac,they work with alot of government agencies that are into loan for small and medium scale enterprise, such as Bank of Agriculture,Bank of Industry etc.if you need a government loan,try reegister with smedan,and then their recommedations will aid you faster.

4. Lidya

Founded in 2016. Lidya is one of the top loan companies in Nigeria with the aim of helping micro, small and medium-sized businesses with good loans to grow their businesses.

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The company only loans to already established businesses; as such, start-ups are not included. Plus, you will be asked to prove ownership of the business you are taking the loan for.

You can get a minimum loan as high as N150,000 with a 3.5% monthly interest rate and with no collateral. Simply go to there website and  apply. If you qualify they will send you the loan in less than 3 working days.

5. Fint Loan

Fint Loan is a popular lending company in Nigeria. This is due to its uniqueness. A lender is connected to a borrower on the platform. An investor is registered as a lender and connects to a borrower through the platform. As a result, the platform can also be a place for you to invest your money and profit from interest.

The company allows you to borrow as much as 1 million naira as an individual, a maximum of 20 million naira for companies, and a minimum of 20,000 naira.

One interesting thing  about the platform is that; it has a loan calculator that helps you calculate your loan repayment sum depending on the duration you chose before taking the loan. To get loans from Fint Loan, simply navigate to their website and sign up with the appropriate documents and details.

6. Carbon

Carbon is one of the top mobile lending companies in Nigeria. You apply for loans and get credited instantly.

You can borrow up to 20 million naira with carbon depending on your bank account’s credit history. Your BVN is collected to check your credit history in order to determine your loan eligibility. If it’s very low, that means you can only be loaned a small sum and vis-a-vis. Their interest depends on the sum you are borrowing and also on your selected payment duration. Carbon loan’s interest rates is often between 5 to 15% depending on the aforementioned factors.

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To apply for carbon loans you will need to download carbon loan app on playstore and sign up with the right documents and details the interest rates is often between 5 to 15% depending on the aforementioned factor.

7. Fair Money

Fair Money is a very popular mobile loan platform to obtain an instant loan.

The interest rate for fair money loans varies between 10% to 15%  depending on your selected payment date, which is a minimum of 30 days and a maximum of 180 days. But if you pay before due date fair money will reduce your interest rate.

All you need to do to get fair money loan is to download the fair money app on play store and sign up with appropriate documents and details.


Getting a loan has become very easy due to the advent of different loan companies and platforms. However, the ugly side of it is that the interest rate and duration might not be okay with you. Whichever way it is, that shouldn’t stop you from getting a loan as long as you are sure to pay back on or before due date.

Another good thing about loan application now is that most of them require’s no collateral or paper work, just a registration with appropriate documents and details online, you can get a loan without delay.

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