Are you are thinking about investment in Nigeria, or buying,selling investing in securities and allied matters in Nigeria?, pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Securities and Exchange Commission is the statutory body enhanced with the duty to with;Regulate investments and securities business in Nigeria.

The body known as Securities and Exchange Commission,perform alot of duties,part of the duties of securities and exchange commission is to

Register and regulate securities exchanges,capital trade points,futures,options,derivatives exchanges,commodity exchanges and any other recognized investment exchanges.

Register and regulate corporate and individual capital market operators as defined under the Act.

Register and regulate the workings of venture capital funds,collective investment schemes including mutual funds etc.

in this piece,our focus will be how to become a capital market operator in Nigeria.

In other to understand the topic ,we need to define the concept,Capital Market ,capital market is a market place where equities and securities are issued and traded. in Nigeria capital market securities and exchange commission is the body in full control of activities going on there,they are the regulators.

Who can become capital market operator in Nigeria.The market is not an all comers affair, there are persons licensed and skilled to operate in the market, the market is for professionals who are tutored and licensed to carry on investment activities for and on behalf of companies and individuals.

A capital market operator in Nigeria includes a securities dealer,a stock broker,sub broker,jobber,share transfer agent,banker to an issue,trustee of a trust deed,registrar to as issue,merchant banker, issuing houses,underwriter,portfolio manager,investment adviser,and such other capital intermediaries as may be licensed by the securities and exchange commission.

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A capital market operator is now required to annually renew their registrations with the commission.

The Securities and Exchange Commission on March 23, 2021, vide a circular to the general public and CMOs in particular, stated that were re-introducing periodic renewal of registration by CMOs.

This re-introduction of renewal of registration is premised on the need to have a reliable data base of all CMOs duly registered and active in the Nigerian capital market, to further provide updated information on operators in the market for reference and other official purposes by local and foreign investors, other regulatory agencies and the general public.

Do you Have difficulty finding current capital market operators in Nigeria ? current capital operators who are still active in the business? i state because of the importance ,for example you want to buy stock of a company and wish to safely transact with a stock broker. there are 429 capital market operators in Nigeria,while we have 526 capital market consultants/experts in Nigeria.the list of self regulatory organisations are just six,they are AFEX commodities exchange limited,central securities clearing systems plc,Nigerian stock exchange etc.

To become a capital market Operator you need to meet up with the requirements set down by the commission.

In this case it is advisable to find the securities and exchange commission office in Abuja or Lagos for advice.

This is necessary because there basic requirements for each different category,and then the requirements are subject to changes.

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