How to check your WAEC results online in 2023

Checking your West African Examination Council (WAEC) results online in 2023 is an easy and convenient way to get your results quickly. With the introduction of the WAEC Online Result Checker, you can now access your results from the comfort of your own home. In this blog post, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to check your WAEC results online in 2023., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Requirement to check waec result

Checking your WAEC results online in 2023 is an easy and convenient process that you can complete from the comfort of your home. Before you start, you will need to have a few items on hand.

First, you will need your Exam Number, which can be found on your WAEC admission card. Second, you will need to select the year in which you took the exam. Third, you will need to select the type of exam you took. Fourth, you will need to have your Card Serial Number, as well as the PIN number on the back of your card. Finally, you should have access to a printer so that you can print out your results after checking them online.

Once you have all of these items, you are ready to begin the process of checking your WAEC results online, Go to the WAEC portal at

Enter your exam number

The first step in checking your WAEC results online in 2023 is to enter your exam number. This is the 11 digit exam number that was provided to you when you registered for the exams. You will need to make sure that you enter this number correctly, as any mistakes will prevent you from accessing your results. It is important to double check that the number you enter is correct, as entering the wrong number will delay the process of obtaining your results. After entering your exam number, you should proceed to the next step.

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Select your exam year

In order to check your WAEC results online for 2022, you need to select the year in which you took the exams. You will find the year option on the page when you enter your exam number. The options available to you will be 2022. Simply select this option and proceed to the next step.

It is important to ensure that you select the correct year in order to get your results accurately. If you select the wrong year, you may not get your results or it may show inaccurate results. Therefore, make sure to double-check the year before submitting.

Choose your exam type

When you are checking your WAEC results online in 2022, you need to choose the type of exam that you wrote. Depending on your School, this will either be PRIVATE CANDIDATE RESULT or SCHOOL CANDIDATE RESULT. If you are unsure which one to select, you should contact your school authorities for more information.

Once you have selected the correct exam type, you will be able to enter the remaining information required to check your results.

Enter the card serial number

The next step is to enter the card serial number. This number is printed on the back of the scratch card that you purchased for the exam. It is a 16-digit code and should be entered carefully as any mistakes will lead to an invalid result. Once you have entered the card serial number correctly, you can move on to the next step. Make sure to double-check your entry before clicking ‘Submit’.


Enter the card pin

When you’re ready to check your WAEC results online in 2022, you will need to enter the card pin. This is a unique code that can be found on the back of your WAEC card. It is usually made up of 6 digits.

Make sure that you enter the correct pin or else your results may not be accepted. Once you have entered the pin correctly, you will then be ready to continue the step to where you can view and print out your results. Make sure to keep this page safe as it contains important information about your exam results.

Click ‘Submit’ to view result

Once you have entered all of the necessary information, click the ‘submit’ button to view your results. You will need to wait for a few moments for the system to process your request and then your result will be displayed on the screen. You may be asked to enter additional details if there is an issue with your registration or if the system needs to validate your identity.

If everything is in order, you should see your grades along with any notes and comments from the examiners. Make sure to check that all of your information is correct and that you are satisfied with the result before proceeding. Once you have checked your results, you can take a print out of the results page or save a copy of the results online for future reference.

Print out your results

Once you have entered all the necessary information and have seen your results successful, at this point, it is important that you print out your results for future reference. This can be done by selecting ‘Print’ from the browser’s menu bar or by clicking the ‘Print’ button at the top of the page. Once you have printed your results, make sure to keep them safe for future reference. It is also a good idea to keep a copy of your results in both digital and physical formats for future reference.

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Checking your WAEC results online in 2022 is easy and straightforward. All you need to do is follow the above steps and make sure you don’t make a mistake when you are entering your information otherwise you will see an error message and you won’t be able to check your results. Once you enter your correct and accurate information you can then view and print out your results for your own records.

It’s important to ensure that you have the correct information before proceeding. Double check all the details you enter to make sure that you get the right results.

By admin

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