Cac public search is a free tool made available by the corporate affairs commission to members of the public to carry on a lot of tasks, such as finding the registered number of a business, a company registered number, the present status of a business name or company., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The procedure to conducting the search with cac public search is seamless and does not require special training or accreditation with cac.

In order to conduct search on a business name or company using the cac public search, you must first visit this search portal, the website will help you to find out the status of the name, it could show registered and “inactive” or registered and “active” . it could also show “undergoing registration” if it was recently reserved and the registration has not been completed.


Name Availability Search– The Corporate affairs commission empowers users to conduct search on the business names before submitting for purpose of registration, or change of name, this is necessary, because there could be a coincidence or similarity of name by two persons.

It is therefore advised that you conduct search to avoid submitting a name someone else had registered, this is necessary and mandatory before your company incorporation.

Cac Name Reservation- The consequence of not filing for name search is that the commission won’t allow you to start registration without getting a reservation of name code ,the availability of the name you are proposing for registration must be followed a mail from cac granting you a reservation code., This is mandatory before any registration. this process attracts a fee, and its conducted from cac pre-registration portal, and not your normal public search on carried out on


2. Name Reservation Duration-Upon submission of a business name for reservation, the result for the name search and reservation takes 2-3 days for the approval or denial of the name.

This report will be made available by the commission to you via your email. if the names are approved after search then, you can now fully proceed for the registration of your business name or company, however the commission might deny your name search and reservation application if the names are similar, confusing with an already existing name, or contrary to any rules of the commission.

upon the approval of the name,cac reserves the name for 60 days, to enable you to complete the registration, failure to complete this process with the reserved period, you will need to apply for renewal of the approved and reserved name.

To Continue with the registration, you need to get all your means of identity cards ready, with your and also choose your company aims and objectives.

3.Choose your Directors, in case you are not the owner.(Shareholders are not always directors,where its a limited liability partnership you need to specify)

4.Obtain an identity card for your secretary.

5.Choose the number of share capital where the commission did not specify one for that nature of business.

Share capital is a must,for limited company only,so you must decide on how many shares you are going for,if there is no mandatory share capital for the business,your shares will have to be subscribed to,by a share holder in the company, it could be your second director, if he is also a Shareholder.

See also  How To Register Your Business On Google Business Profile

6. Make payment for your federal inland Revenue service stamp duty fees.

7.Make payment for your registration fee to the commission

8.Notarise your documents and file. Please contact us if you need us to assist you.



Search button on virtual screen pressed with finger

limited liabilty partnership and limited partnership


By admin

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