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Amazon KDP is a very popular self-publishing platform and has a large global reach. Millions of readers visit Amazon every day in search of new books, and many authors have had success selling their books on Amazon KDP., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

However, as with any bookselling business, success depends on many factors, including the quality of the book, cover, product description, and marketing strategy. Furthermore, the book market is highly competitive and there are many more books for sale on Amazon KDP, which means that authors have to work hard to get noticed by readers.

In general, if a book is well written, well presented, and well promoted, it can be successful in selling on Amazon KDP. Many authors have managed to reach a global audience through Amazon KDP and have made a good profit from the sale of their books.

What does self publishing mean with Amazon?

Self-publishing has become increasingly popular in recent years, thanks to the availability of platforms such as Amazon KDP. This platform offers authors the opportunity to publish books online independently, without having to go through traditional publishing houses. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Amazon KDP and how to use it to publish books for free.

Amazon KDP, an acronym for Kindle Direct Publishing, is a self-publishing platform owned by Amazon. The platform offers authors the opportunity to publish books in digital and paper formats, and distribute them worldwide through Amazon. One of the main advantages of using Amazon KDP is its ease of use. Authors can create their account, upload their book and choose publishing options in a few simple steps.

Additionally, Amazon KDP offers the ability to publish books for free. This is especially beneficial for debut authors who want to publish their first book without having to incur any upfront costs. To publish a book for free on Amazon KDP, authors must choose the “Free Kindle Publishing” option during the publishing process.

Publishing books for free on Amazon KDP can be a great choice for authors who want to increase their visibility and acquire new readers. Additionally, Amazon KDP also offers the option to participate in the KDP Select program. This program offers exclusive benefits to authors, such as the ability to offer their book for free for a certain period of time, or to earn higher royalties if their book is chosen as part of Amazon’s “Prime Reading” program.

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How to prepare the file

Here are some helpful tips for creating your book file to upload to Amazon KDP:

File format: Amazon KDP accepts digital books in several formats, including MOBI format (for Kindle) and EPUB format (for other devices). Make sure you create your file in the required format and check that your file is readable on different devices.

Book Layout: Your book should have a clean, professional layout, with adequate margin and easy-to-read line spacing. Check that the pages are numbered correctly and that the table of contents is clearly structured.

Cover: The cover of your book is an important element in attracting readers’ attention. Make sure your cover is high quality and accurately represents the content of your book. Amazon KDP offers an option to create a cover using their design tool or to upload your own custom cover.

Content Review: Before uploading your book to Amazon KDP, make sure you have corrected any spelling and grammatical errors. Also, verify that your content complies with Amazon KDP guidelines and does not contain copyrighted material.

Metadata: Amazon KDP requires some basic information about your book, such as the title, author, description, and keywords. Be sure to provide this information accurately and in detail, as it can impact the visibility of your book on Amazon.

By following these best practices, you can create a high-quality file and increase your book’s chances of success on Amazon KDP.

Amazon KDP printing formats and methods

Here is a list of formats available for publishing paperbacks on Amazon KDP:

Softcover (standard size): This size features a softcover made of 203 g/m² paper. This format is available with black and white or color pages. The price varies based on the number of pages in the book: for example, a 150-page color book will cost around 10-12 euros.

Softcover (premium format): This format features a softcover made of 300 gsm paper with a matte or glossy finish. This format is also available with black and white or color pages. The price varies based on the number of pages in the book: for example, a 150-page color book will cost around 15-20 euros.

Hardcover (standard size): This format features a hardcover with a 135 gsm paper dust jacket. This format is also available with black and white or color pages. The price varies based on the number of pages in the book: for example, a 150-page color book will cost around 20-25 euros.


Hardcover (Premium Format): This format features a hardcover with a 135 gsm paper jacket with a matte or glossy finish. This format is also available with black and white or color pages. The price varies based on the number of pages in the book: for example, a 150-page color book will cost around 25-30 euros.

Please note that prices may vary depending on the currency and region in which the book is sold. Additionally, Amazon KDP charges a commission on the book’s sales price, which varies by region and book size.

I hope this information is helpful to you in publishing your book on Amazon KDP!

How can you promote your book once it is published on Amazon?

Once your book is published on Amazon KDP, there are several marketing strategies you can use to promote it. Here are some ideas:

Use social media: Create a Facebook page, Twitter account and Instagram profile for your book and use them to promote it. Share information about the characters, background of the book, and what makes it unique. Also use relevant hashtags to get noticed by potential readers.

Get reviews: Reader reviews are key to increasing the visibility of your book. Ask your friends and family to write a review and send your book to bloggers or influencers in your field to get their opinion.

Organize events: organize a launch event for your book, even online. Invite friends, family, and potential readers. You can also attend local events like book festivals or publishing fairs to spread the word about your book.

Write guest posts: Write articles or blog or website posts relevant to your book. You can use these posts to promote your book and introduce yourself to new readers.

Use online advertising: Amazon KDP offers the ability to use the PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising program to promote your book on Amazon. You can choose from several targeting options to reach the right audience.

Create a Website: Create a website for your book or for yourself as an author. This will allow you to promote your book and make yourself known to your readers.

Remember that promoting your book takes time and effort, but it can lead to rewarding results. Use these marketing strategies to spread the word about your book and reach your audience.

What percentage of profit does the author have on the books he publishes with Amazon?

On Amazon KDP, authors can earn up to 70% of the sales price of their digital or paperback book (for sales made on depending on the price of the book, printing and distribution fees, and the country of sale.

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For digital books, the author receives a percentage of the net sales price, which is the sales price minus taxes and delivery charges. For example, if the sales price of your digital book is $9.99 and the delivery price is $0.15, the net sales price is $9.84. The author will receive 70% of this amount, or $6.89.

For paper books, the author’s profit depends on the selling price of the book, printing and distribution costs, as well as the country of sale. For example, if the sales price of your paperback book is $15.00, and the printing and distribution costs are $4.50, your net price will be $10.50. In this case, the author will receive a percentage of the net price, which can vary from 60% to 80%, depending on the specific circumstances of the book.

It’s important to note that there are some restrictions on author earnings percentages on Amazon KDP, including the minimum and maximum sales price for digital and paperback books and the recommended list price for paperback books. Additionally, there may be some additional expenses associated with publishing a book on Amazon KDP, such as cover design fees or optional marketing fees.

How many books can an author publish on Amazon?

On Amazon KDP there are no limits to the number of books an author can publish. Authors can publish as many works as they wish, in any genre or format, both digitally and in paper.

However, it is important to note that the quality of content and presentation of published books is crucial to attracting readers and increasing the chances of success. Authors should therefore focus on producing high-quality books that meet the needs of their readers, rather than focusing on the quantity of books published.

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