Thinking of starting an academy to harness the local untapped talents in Nigeria? An academy can be registered for purpose of tapping the gifted talents in the entertainment industry such as music, football, athletics, cricket, fashion, or skill acquisition training academy and technology education academy and the rest., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

An academy properly so called does alot of functions, it locally sources for trains and brushes the talent to become finer.

How to register an Academy in Nigeria with Cac, the corporate affairs commission Nigeria caters for the registration of companies, incorporated trustees as well as Academy.

An academy can be registered in Nigeria as a company or a foundation. Under Cama, companies chasing objects such as health research and advancement, education awareness, technology training, sports training, culture advancement can be registered as company or be registered as a foundation. A sort of a non-profit organization. The intention of the law, is that such bodies set up not for profit making purpose, can be registered as a foundation or companies limited by guarantee.

The process of registering an Academy in Nigeria involves

#1. Submit Proposed Academy Name (it must end with LTD/GTE)

#2. Submit Proposed Academy Registered Address.

#3. Application for Registrar General consent.

#4. Reservation Code from the Registrar General.

#5. The Filing of Necessary Cac forms such as Cac form cac1.1 and others.

#6. Submit Payment for Filing and Firs stamp duties.

#7. Upon Approval cac will communicate to you and forward the documents

#8. Documents are cac certificate of registration/incorporation and memorandum and articles of association


#9. Cac Incorporation documents if registered as foundation are cac certificate and certified true copies of the incorporated trustee.

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