Nafdac is the federal government agency in Nigeria, the role of Nafdac is to regulate food,drugs ,water and consumable products in Nigeria., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

NAFDAC Act Cap N1 LFN empowers the Agency to regulate and control the manufacture, importation, exportation, distribution, advertisement, sale and use of food,drugs ,cosmetics and among other regulated products.

An entrepreneur in Nigeria, who intends to scale up and sell goods which falls under the registrable products of NAFDAC,must as a matter of urgency begin the process.

How To Process Nafdac Regsitration for Your Products.

Processing a nafdac registration for your products if they fall within consumable products,water,drugs requires preparation.


i. First things first, register your company with corporate affairs commission.

ii. Obtain your cac certificate (if you need cac business name or limited call 07088969065)

iii.Visit Any Nafdac Branch office in your State.

iv. Obtain a form and fill the form carefully.

v. Alternatively visit Nafdac online portal

To aid your application, you need to find out if your product fall within small scale,macro scale.

The following cosmetics products are allowed under Micro and small scheme, Petroleum Jelly, Shea Butter, Hair Cream (Oil based), Oils e.g. Coconut oil, Laundry detergents, Starch, Liquid Air Freshener, Soaps

  • How to Register Micro scale facility with Nafdac – Accordingly A micro scale facility is a business enterprise with not more than five (5) employees

To register a micro scale facility follow these steps

  • Provide Evidence of Registration with Cooperate Affairs Commission (CAC)
    1. (Business Name and/ or incorporation)
    2. Site use Agreement (Where applicable)
    3. Evidence of Trademark approval we advise that you get this document as It helps
    4. To protect the product brand /or business name.
    5. One vetting Sample and three labels
    6. Fumigation certificate
    7. Copy of Receipt of Payment for production registration
    8. Food handlers certificate / medical fitness certificate for production staff, this should include the following: Sputum test, stool test, Urinary test,Widal test, Hepatitis B
  • How to register Small Scale facility with NafdacRequired List of documents: Accordingly A small scale facility is a facility with 1 to 10 employees. Its building can be purpose built or adapted. It must also have adequate space, capacity and equipment for its intended product (s) for registration. in order to register the product, you need to know if you fall within the small scale facility or micro scale facility.
  • to rgeister as small scale facility,follow the under listed steps.
    1. Write an application letter
    2. SOP for production,
    3. SOP distribution /Recall,
    4. SOP Quality assurance,
    5. SOP Cleaning of equipment,
    6. SOP receiving of packaging materials,
    7. SOP Personal Hygiene,
    8. SOP Water analysis were applicable and
    9. SOP for cleaning of the environment,
    10. Food handlers certificate/ medical fitness certificate for production staff should include the following parameters: Sputum test, stool test, Urinary test, Widal test, Hepatitis B Test.
    11. List or raw material and their source(s)
    12. Certificate of analysis of raw materials (optional for micro scale)
    13. Certificate of analysis of finished products (optional for micro scale)
    14. Certificate of fumigation
    15. Label/Packaging material.
  • in addition you can visit nafdac online portal for direction

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