cac is the abbreviation of the word corporate affairs commission, in Nigeria the function of registering of business name and company is their duty., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Cac registration is not free of charge. To register your business name you need to be ready to fulfil the requirement.

cac business name registration online ? yes the registration of business name in Nigeria is now fully digitized.

Unlike in the past where you need to meet your cac accredited agent ,to obtain business name forms,

in 2022 cac business name registration is fully online.

The price checklist for registration of business name in Nigeria, are :

#1. Name search and Reservation -N2000

#2.CAC filing fee- N10000

#3. Remita fees-1000

The accredited cac agent service charge is not inclusive, and can be negotiated.

corporate affairs commission has the powers to register and deregister a business in Nigeria.

Reasons Cac Deregisters Business Names and Companies In Nigeria.

As stated above, the commission can deregister a business name or company, where it fails perpetually to file her annual return.

The commission can also deregister it where the owner of the business utilizes it to promote illegality.

The commission can also deregister a business name, where it engages in acts capable of tampering with the sovereignty of Nigeria. or encourages an enemy country to wage war against Nigeria.

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