THow to register an Association in Nigerian such as social club,football club, group of colleagues association,friendship association,charity organisation, the rules are clear and we have only onebody ,that can be pioneer the registration in Nigeria., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

You would have been asking yourself How to register a group or association in Nigeria.we recommend you follow these steps .

All registrations of business name ,companies groups,associations in Nigeria must be done through an accredited cac agent .

The registration of an association has two stages:1. the submission of the profiles of the trustees and the name being registered. 2. filing of the application forms of the association.

  1. The registration of an association has two stages and each stage shall be followed religiously. the usual practice is to first conduct name avaiilabilty search, but this is no longer the practice, the association vbeing registered must first submit the profiles of their trustees and the various positions of the trustess. date of birth, residenyial address,email address, phone number and identity card for submission to the corporate affairs commission , in this way an application for name search is accompanied by an application for consent of the registrar general of the corporate affairs commission. the submission of the profiles of the trustees is purposedly done for two things, the consent of the registrar general and the approval of the name of the association being sought to be registered. the corporate affairs commission will require the applicants to furnish the commission with the following informations, they are: the objective of the association, the office address of the association, the email address of the association, the phone number of the association.

2. Filing of the application forms of the association. where the association complies with the first step,and furnish the commission with the relevant information concerning the association, the commission reserves the right to approve the registration of the name, in this case the commssion has given the trustees the green light to start the process of registering the name within 60 days. the association will do every thing within their powers to file their registration within this 60 days or risk losing the consent, the registrar general consent has validity period of 60 days and attracts a fee of N6000. what is expected to be done within the 60 days of the consent validity, is to file and make offical payment fot the registration of the asociation, approach a newspaper company and get quote on newspaper publication, the publication must be done in two newspapers, that is a newspaper having much circulation in the locality of the address of the registration and one national newspaper.the period for the publication is 28 days,after the 28 days , the cac agent is expected to file report concerning the publication, by compiiling a scanned page of the newspapers publication.

3.The trustees of the association must endeavour to fill their trustees declaration forms and return same to the agent registering the association.

4.The cac Agent prepares the constitution of the association ,where the association desires a customised constitution they must first make this known to the cac agent.

5.The cac agent compiles the forms and submits to the commission for the final approval of the registration of the association , the period of registering an association in Nigeria takes one month and 2 weeks ,this is because of the mandatory 28 days window for newspaper publication. once the registration is approved the commission makes available the certificate and issues the association her own registration number.


The cost of registeing an association may vary where the number of trustees are more , the minimum number of trustees needed for the registration of an incorporated trustee remains two while the maximum is 15. the cost ranges from N130k to N300k.

Do you wish to know more on registration of incorporated trustee in nigeria, filing an annual return for incorporated trustes,change of trustess in Nigeria,contact us today.

By admin

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