An NGO simply put is a non-governmental organization, it is an organization which carries on particular functions and responsibilities towards enhancing a better society., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

We have different categories of Ngo in Nigeria, they are Clubs, Charity organizations, Civil Society Organization, Peer group Associations, pressure groups and other groups in Nigeria functioning with the purpose of enhancing a better working society in Nigeria.

Aims of NGO Registrations in Nigeria:

Ideally it is the aims, objects and activities of an Ngo that distinguishes it from other entities.

An Ngo aims and objectives can be the following:

An information and orientation based association advancing a particular culture, tradition or norms.

A charity based organization with interest on rendering free educational ,moral, financial assistance to a targeted audience.

A pressure association to advance the discovery or support or growth of a particular discovery in science and technology.

A free will donation organization to aid the helpless or indigent persons.

An Organization to champion the course of equal and inclusive society

An organization to fight for the eradication of a particular epidemic or pandemic globally or in a particular country.

An organization with aim to fight for a cleaner environment and to protect the environment from man-led activities causing environmental degradation.

An Organization set to cater and to fight and defend the rights of the down-trodden in the society.

An organization to fight child abuse and to eradicate child exploitation in Nigeria.

An organization set out with aims to fight for free society and free speech .

A research-based foundation with interest on promoting the education of people on a particular subject matter.

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These and many more set out above are some of the objects of an Ngo.


It is important to note that registration of NGO, falls under part F of the company and allied matters Act 2020, and it is the prerogative of the corporate affairs commission to oversee the registration of an NGO in Nigeria.

An Ngo is strictly prohibited from carrying out profit making ventures, and is not expected to utilize her registration to carry on trading of goods, and rendering of services for profits making.

An Ngo is expected to have a functional constitution and to be administrated by trustees ,and executives.

All the trustees are expected to forward their details to the corporate affairs commission for scrutiny before the registration can be done.

Also an Ngo is expected to file annual return a year after her incorporation, along with her audited statement of affairs’.

An Ngo is expected to have executives occupying theses three important positions -Chairman, vice chairman and Secretary. it therefore follows that the minimum number of persons required to register an Ngo, must not be less than two. A husband and wife can register an Ngo ,and be trustees and executives of the Ngo.


  1. Registration of Ngo starts with Name search and Consent application to the registrar general of corporate affairs commission.
  2. The Consent application is done by an accredited cac agent portal.
  3. The Applicant need to apply for the consent of the registrar general for the reservation of the proposed names .
  4. The reservation is premium and must be paid for by the applicant .
  5. Upon Approval the Applicant now knows the exact name approved by the commission for registration.
  6. The Applicant obtains the details of the trustees of the Ngo.
  7. The Applicant must fill the forms for the trustees and their different positions in the organization
  8. The Applicant must do Newspaper publication in one national dailies, and one local newspaper in the vicinity of the Ngo.
  9. The timeline for the newspaper publication is 28 days, and during this period the ngo can make payment for the registration or wait after the timeline of the publication. it is important to underline that if there is any adverse interest or reason while the registration should not be , the objection must file within the 28 days window of publication.
  10. The Applicant obtains the newspaper publication and documents for filing of the registration.
  11. The Trustee Applicants are to submit their passport photographs, signature, residential address, email address, and means of identification to the cac agent.
  12. The cac agent is to prepare a constitution for the Ngo, the constitution shall embody the tenure of the trustees, and how the Ngo intends to raise funds, and shall also address other matters concerning the Ngo.
  13. The compilation of the Ngo application shall then be submitted by the cac agent to the commission.
  14. Upon approval the commission shall forward the certificate of incorporation to the cac agent for onward transmission to the ngo.
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Pricing of An Ngo Registration in Nigeria-

The price of registering an Ngo in Nigeria ranges from N100K-N500K depending on many factors.

The timeline for the registration of an Ngo is usually 6 weeks, depending on the availability of funds at the disposal of the cac agent.


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