CAC change of shareholder

The registration of companies and businesses is the duty of corporate affairs commission, pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

their duty is also extending to verification of a legally registered business and companies in Nigeria.

At a particular point in time, you have the need to do business with another company, but you don’t know if they are recognized by the government.

A registered business name or company in Nigeria has its objects, for which it was registered.

Under normal business settings, you are obliged to do what is called due diligence or verification before walking into a business relationship with someone.

Another reason you need to do verification, is to know if your certificate of incorporation of business name or company, originated from the government.

Now facing the daunting task of verifying your business name or company, how do you go about it?

#1. Visit your Accredited cac Agent and Request for Business name Verification.

#2.The cac Agent will Conduct a Verification AND issue you with

i. Official Business name or Company of the Entity.

ii. The business name number or Registered Code

iii. The Registered Address of the Company or Business name.

iv. The date of registration of the business name or company.

iv. The status of the business or company (Active or Inactive).

This is a preliminary verification of business name or company, for an advanced business name, company search .

The cac Agent will, formally Apply to the corporate affairs commission for company search.

The result usually comes back under some hours.

How To Check the Progress of Your Company or Business name Registration.

See also  Cac Business Name Registration in Nigeria

In the process of business name or company registration, you might want to check if the registration is in process already.

In order to achieve this, and find out if the registration is ongoing, you will do the following.

#1. Open your web browser.

#2. Type the word

#3Open the web address and type in your business name or company.

#4. choose the type of company, whether it is business name or company or incorporated trustee.

#5. The click on search bar, and wait for minutes.

#6. Try this again if the result does not come up due to network.

Note, if the name was just approved for purpose of name availability search, it will not show unless you are doing the following

#1. Business name Upgrade

#2. Business name substitution

The result normally comes up if the filing fee or consent fee has been paid for.

Do you wish to do business name verification or company search, we are at your service.

By admin

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