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Top Blogs In The United States

The United States’ blogging industry is one of the biggest in the world. As we all know, the world is constantly and consistently in need of useful information, and blogs are the go-to options to get that. Many blogs are created every day; what distinguishes them is the quality of their content, the number of keywords they rank for, and the amount of traffic they receive., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The top guns in the blogosphere in the United States prefer to be regarded as tech entrepreneurs instead of mere bloggers. This is because they’ve got what’s required: the fame, the number of daily visitors, the huge revenue, and how they operate.

Here we are going to be looking at the top blogs in the United States, their founders, and their annual revenues.

Many of the top blogs in the US are often bought by big media companies from their various founders, it is also important for you to know that there are several others bigger than some of the ones on this list, and the revenue figures are based on Owler; it’s not easy to determine their earnings because they are not publicized. Just get the message: they are all among the most visited blogs in the US.

Top Blogs In The United States 2023


Formerly the Huffington Post, HuffPost is an American multi-niche blog that focuses on news, politics, entertainment, finance, and sports. It was founded in 2005 by Ariana Huffington and grew to become more than just a blog but a full media outlet in 2011. It was acquired last year by AOL for $315 million and had its name rebranded to HuffPost same year.

Arianna Huffington remained the chief editor of the blog until 2016, when she took another job as CEO of Thrive Global, a blog aimed at helping people inculcate wellness habits. She’s also a member of the board at Onex and Uber.

Today, HuffPost publishes up to 600 to over 1000 posts every day on different topics, information, and happenings in America and globally, of which 20 to 100 go viral, reaching several hundreds of thousands of visitors.

HuffPost is currently worth over $500 million and earns over $143 million a year in total revenue. This is undoubtedly in the same league as top newspapers and other media globally. Many blogs have existed and are no more. With Google updates and an updated algorithm every time, HuffPost survived and excelled, so we aren’t sure if it is possible for any blog to surpass it in the next couple of years.


Engadget is an American tech blog focused on gadget reviews, gaming, and computer software. It was founded in 2004 by Peter Rojas, a former Gizmodo editor. It was later acquired by AOL, just like HuffPost was in 2011, and is now owned by Verizon Media.

Engadget has shown that there is more to earning from a blog than using AdSense and other ad platforms. It uses affiliate links with buy-now buttons integrated into the header of each post. They write reviews on gadgets, software, or tools and provide links to purchase them.


This has further revealed that affiliate marketing is a lucrative venture and can be used on websites to fetch more revenue than the common way of integrating ads or sponsored posts.

Engadget currently earns $47.5 annually, with most of the earnings from affiliate programs in which it partakes.


Moz is an SEO research and software tool used by website owners and bloggers to do keyword research, check search rankings, and find other website information. It was founded by Rand Fishkin and is now managed by Morgan McCurray.

The reason why Moz is regarded as a blog and not just a tech software website is because it publishes lots of digital content about blogging and how to manage it. Its contents and quality publications have earned it a spot as one of the top blogs not only in the United States but globally.

Currently, Moz earns up to $44.9 million a year, of which a high percentage comes from its digital publications.

Perezhilton blog   

PerezHilton blog is an American celebrity and entertainment gossip blog. Most of its contents are about celebrities and happenings in the US entertainment industry. Founded by Mario Armando Lavandeira, known by the name Perez Hilton, in 2005, she is a very popular media personality and influencer.

Since it was founded, the Perez Hilton’ blog have created posts and stories about several American celebrities, including Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, and plenty of others.

Perez Hilton’s blog contents feature pictures, videos, quizzes, and articles; it’s almost like some of the top magazines. What makes the blog stand out is the consistent use of popular celebs to drive massive traffic, red carpet photos, and Instagram-quality photos. Many celebs have been given sub-categories in the menu, thus showing that the blog has all that a showbiz blog should possess.

Perez Hilton’s blog currently earns $30 million a year from ads and sponsorships. It is arguably one of the highest-earning entertainment and gossip blogs in the world.


Mashable is a popular American tech blog founded by then-19-year-old Peter Cashmore, a web designer and consultant. The blog covers different topics and keywords relating to technology, product reviews, and commercial content.

The blog has excelled in the tech blogging industry due to its popularity, quality contents, and large number of daily visitors. An intriguing feature on the blog is the amplify option, which is aimed at raising awareness and putting into action matters relating to raci*l abuse and equality.

Currently edited by Jessica Coen, Mashable earns an estimate of $30 million in annual revenue, thus making it one of the biggest tech blogs in the world.


TechCrunch is a popular tech blog that focuses on posting news and articles about tech companies. Founded in 2005 by Michael Arrington and Keith Tears and now edited by Matthew Panzarino, TechCrunch has been at the forefront of creating news and articles on most, if not all, start-ups in the tech industry.

Its content also focuses on the big guns in the tech industry, like Amazon, Apple, Uber, Tesla, Alphabet, and a host of others. It also reviews the products of these tech companies.


TechCrunch used to run a database startup, Crunchbase, until 2015, when it became a different entity of its own.

Currently, TechCrunch earns over $22.5 million in annual revenue. Most of its revenues come from ads, sponsored posts, and affiliate commissions.

Oliver Palermo’s blog

Olivia Palermo’s blog is a very popular US blog known for information on fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. The blog is geared towards updating visitors with the latest fashion trends, talks, and news, not only in America but globally.

Social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have been one of its tools in generating quality traffic and engagements. Quality and updated contents are one of the secrets to the growth and popularity enjoyed by the Oliver Paremo blog.

Currently, the blog is estimated to be worth over $10 million, which comes from ads and sponsorships.

Envato tut

Envato Tutsplus is like a child company of the popular Envato, which sells website themes and tools online. Tuts was founded in 2006 by its owner, Collis Ta’eed, and focuses on creating courses, tutorials, and ebooks in the form of blog posts.

Its content is highly focused on coding, web development and design, website management, photography, graphic design, business, music, and other tech-related topics.

Despite the fact that it is regarded as a blog that should generally be accessed by a simple Google search, only a few of its contents can be accessed for free, while many of its contents will require you to pay for a subscription to gain access.

Currently, Envato Tuts earns an annual revenue of $10 million, most of which is generated from subscriptions by users and visitors.

Smashing magazine

Smashing Magazine is a popular tech magazine founded by Sven Lennartz and Vitaly Friedman. If you are into web design or development, you may have seen this blog appear on Google searches or even visited it before.

The magazine blog’s main focus is discussing all things related to websites and their development or design. And it has over the years served as a source of quality information and personal learning for developers and prospects.

Accessing information on Smashing Magazine is not entirely free; it encourages you to sign up and make a subscription payment to access its premium contents. Payments range from $3 to $7 a month. Despite having to pay to access information on this blog, there are still thousands of users and visitors who use it because of its quality contents.

Currently, it earns an estimated annual revenue of $5.2 million, which is generated from paid subscriptions by its users as well as from sponsored advertisements.


Gizmodo is a popular multi-niche blog founded by Engadget founder Peter Rojas; he founded Gizmodo before Engadget. The blog is focused on writing about topics in tech, science, design, and sci-fi, with several other variations serving different countries like Japan, the UK, and Brazil.

From discussing the latest smartphone features and new gaming gadgets to answering sci-fi questions, this and more are what Gizmodo stands for. One of the most exciting features of Gizmodo is the gizmodo-ask feature, which can help get answers to questions relating to its focused niches. You can quickly ask questions like, “How do I set up my game software?” or “Do cockroaches really fly?” “Can a parrot talk?” and more, and a quick answer will display.

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Currently, Gizmodo generates an annual revenue of $4.8 million from ads and sponsored advertisements.

Business insider

Business Insider is a very popular blog and often shows up in search engine results when questions relating to business and general finance are asked on Google. Founded by Kelvin Ryan, owner of several other top business blogs, it was acquired by Axel Springer in 2015.

The blog can be best described as a business, finance, and banking-focused website. It is very popular for business news in the United States. It is not only a top blog but also among the top 100 most visited websites in the United States. Most of its revenue is generated from Google Ads and sponsored posts and advertisements.

Wp beginner

WP Beginner is a WordPress-focused blog. It was founded by Syed Balkhi, founder of several WordPress CMS tools like WP Forms, Word, Optimizonstor, WP Mail, Smtp, and many others.

The blog, as its name depicts, is aimed at dishing out important information to both newbies and amateurs in WordPress. It explains several WordPress features it uses, how to integrate new features, how to remove, optimize, and do many other things as a WordPress website user.

Every new or old blogger or website owner must, of course, have seen posts from wpbeginner one time or another on Google, as it often ranks high in search engine results. This further shows its worth and usefulness in the blogosphere. It is currently among the top 100 most visited websites in the United States.

Smart passive income

Smart passive income is a business, and how-to-make-money blog. It was founded by Pat Flynn and has its headquarters in California.

The blog teaches people about business ideas, starting a business, building a business, and different make-money opportunities out there. It has plenty of keyword rankings for several business-building and money-making queries on Google.

It is currently rated as one of the most visited websites in the United States.

Bottom Line

New blogs are created every day, of which many die off in a matter of months due to competition in the Google algorithm. For any blog to rank highly, it must definitely offer its visitors what Google and other search engines think is valuable enough. Most of the top blogs listed here have gone through the same process and witnessed different setbacks, yet made it to the top. Many have grown to be more than just blogs, but media giants.

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