how to make money online using youtube

How To Make Money Online Using YouTube Channel In Nigeria, pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Are you planning on starting a YouTube channel, or have you already started one but want to know different ways YouTubers can earn on their channel?

As the number of content creators on YouTube increases on a daily basis, so does the audience. YouTube has grown to become the second-biggest search engine after Google. The earning potential on YouTube is just so great if you have the right information.

YouTube audiences can help you unbox this lot of earning potential. All that’s required of you is to prioritize quality and engaging content. Aside from earning from ad revenue, you can also earn by leveraging other means to make lots of money from your YouTube channel. The amazing thing is that you can implement at least two of these to earn extra sums on your channel.

In this article, we will be discussing 5 top ways to earn as a YouTuber.

5 Best Ways To Earn On YouTube

1. Earn from ads revenue

Earning from ad revenue is the most popular way to earn money creating content on Youtube. Most YouTube channels mostly earn from their videos through this YouTube ads revenue.

However, you need to be accepted into the YouTube Partnership Program in order to start earning from ads displayed on your videos by advertisers. There are certain criteria that your channel needs to meet in order to be accepted. These include:

  • -Minimum of 1,000 subscribers
  • -Unique or non-plagiarized contents
  • 4000 video watch hours in the last 12 months.

Once your channel has met the above requirements, you can then apply to join the YouTube partnership program so as to start earning from advertising revenue. If you are accepted, YouTube pays you 65% of the ad revenue from advertisers. The sum you started earning depends on the number of ads views your videos garner.


2. Sponsored content/ brand influencing

If your YouTube channels start doing well in terms of views and engagement, obviously it will attract a lot of attention and influence. There are lots of companies and organizations that may be interested in promoting their brand in your videos. This may come in the form of sponsored ads or you as their brand ambassadors.

They will pay you based on a mutual agreement for promoting their brand on your channels. Promotion may be in the form of display ads, shout-outs, or video sponsorship. This means of earning on YouTube is already in use by millions of brand influencers and has the potential to even get you more earnings than YouTube ad revenue. Moreso, you can even implement it with other earning means, so it’s a win-win situation.

3. Sell products on YouTube

This might look surprising to you, but it actually works. You can sell your products on your channel by just leaving a few links for your customers to checkout in the description. To sell a product, you either buy it in bulk from a manufacturer or create your own. For example, if your YouTube niche is gadget reviews, you can do business and sell some of those gadgets you review to your audience.

On the other side, you can also create virtual goods like e-books, courses, or art prints. However, it’s advisable that you already have a good payment option before getting started.

One thing you should take into consideration is not to bore your audience with too much promotion, or else they may start feeling otherwise. So create contents that are valuable, which in turn can bring about sales.

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4. Run affiliate marketing on your channel

Similar to selling products on your channel, you can promote products or services on your channel. However, for affiliate marketing, you don’t have to buy any goods in bulk or create your own; what you do is register under a brand or platform that offers an affiliate program and pick up any of their products and start promoting them.

It’s no news that many platforms and companies today now offer affiliate programs—e-commerce, real estate, and digital platforms, to name but a few. Sign up for any of them and promote their products on your channel. Amazon, ClickBank, Shareasale, and a few others are nice platforms from which you can become an affiliate.

Any sale recorded via you or your affiliate link earns you a commission. What’s good is that you have nothing to worry about; just promote in your videos and descriptions by asking your audience to purchase the product via your link in the description. The commission you earn depends on the affiliate rate of the platform or the particular products. It’s just a side hustle to earn extra income on YouTube.

5. Offer channel membership program

This is an earning model in which your audience has to pay a little token monthly or yearly to gain access to some of your exclusive contents. The channel membership program has recently been added to YouTube, though there have been few  third-party platforms like Patreon, Buy me a coffee and Tipeee, which you can also use to earn via this model.


As for the YouTube membership, to be able to do that, you need to be accepted into the YouTube partnership program. This also lets your audience gain other access, such as a private chat with you. It is most suitable for creators creating tutorial videos or travel vloggers on YouTube.

Bottom Line

Earning money on YouTube does not stop at AdSense revenue, as many think. There are tons of ways you can earn on YouTube, so don’t get dependent solely on adsense revenue. Sell products, promote affiliate goods, or run sponsored content. The good side is that you can do these without hassle, and they don’t in any way affect your YouTube ad revenue.

If you are just starting out as a YouTuber or have yet to start earning on YouTube, it’s advisable that you prioritize quality content that engages your audience. This way, you can earn their trust, because gaining your audiences’ trust is a major determinant if you really want to become a successful YouTuber.

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