Nigeria students can now apply for graduate and post graudaute programs in an American university,university of south florida,America, pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

There are major courses Nigerians can pursue Graduate Majors in American university of south florida, this is for graduates in Nigeria.

I will post the list of major courses in university of south florida for Nigerian graduates.

Majors are listed below in Alphabetical order:Major•  Accountancy, M.Acc.•  Advanced Athletic Training, M.S.•  Advertising, M.S.•  Aging Studies, Ph.D.•  Applied Aging Sciences, M.S.•  Applied Anthropology, M.A.•  Applied Anthropology, Ph.D.•  Applied Behavior Analysis, M.A.•  Applied Behavior Analysis, M.S.•  Applied Behavior Analysis, Ph.D.•  Applied Mathematics, M.A.•  Architecture, M.Arch.•  Art History, M.A.•  Art, M.F.A.•  Athletic Training, M.S.•  Audiology, Au.D.•  Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disabilities, M.A.•  Behavioral and Community Sciences, Ph.D.•  Big Data Analytics, Ph.D.•  Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, M.S.B.C.B.•  Biology, M.S.•  Biomedical Engineering, M.S.B.E.•  Biomedical Engineering, Ph.D.•  Biotechnology, M.S.B.•  Business Administration, D.B.A•  Business Administration, M.B.A.•  Business Administration, Ph.D.•  Business Analytics and Information Systems, M.S.•  Cancer Biology, Ph.D.•  Cancer Chemical Biology, Ph.D.•  Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, Ph.D.•  Career and Technical Education, M.A.•  Cell and Molecular Biology, Ph.D.•  Chemical Engineering, M.S.Ch.•  Chemical Engineering, Ph.D.•  Chemistry, M.A.•  Chemistry, M.S.•  Chemistry, Ph.D.•  Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health, M.S.•  Civil Engineering, M.S.C.E.•  Civil Engineering, Ph.D.•  Communication Sciences and Disorders, Ph.D.•  Communication, M.A.•  Communication, Ph.D.•  Computer Engineering, M.S.C.P.•  Computer Science and Engineering, Ph.D.•  Computer Science, M.S.C.S.•  Conservation Biology, M.S.•  Counselor Education, M.A.•  Creative Writing, M.F.A.•  Criminal Justice Administration, M.A.•  Criminal Justice, M.A.•  Criminology, M.A.•  Criminology, Ph.D•  Curriculum and Instruction, Ed.S.•  Curriculum and Instruction, M.Ed.•  Curriculum and Instruction, Ph.D.•  Cybercrime, M.S.•  Cybersecurity Intelligence and Information Security, M.S.•  Cybersecurity, M.S.•  Digital Journalism and Design, M.A.•  Economics, M.A.•  Economics, Ph.D.•  Educational Leadership, Ed.S.•  Educational Leadership, M.Ed.•  Educational Leadership, Ph.D.•  Educational Program Development, Ed.D.•  Educational Studies, M.A.•  Electrical Engineering, M.S.E.E.•  Electrical Engineering, Ph.D.•  Elementary Education (ESOL and Reading Endorsements), M.A.T.•  Elementary Education, M.A.•  Engineering Management, M.S.E.M.•  English, M.A.•  English, Ph.D.•  Entrepreneurship in Applied Technologies, M.S.•  Environmental Engineering, M.S.E.V.•  Environmental Engineering, Ph.D.•  Environmental Science and Policy, M.S.•  Exceptional Student Education (ESOL and Reading Endorsements), M.A.T.•  Exceptional Student Education, M.A.•  Executive, M.B.A.•  Exercise Science, M.S.•  Finance, M.S.•  Foreign Language Education, M.A.T.•  Foreign Language Education, M.Ed.•  French, M.A.•  Geography and Environmental Science and Policy, Ph.D.•  Geography, M.A.•  Geology, M.S.•  Geology, Ph.D.•  Gerontology, M.A.•  Global Sustainability, M.A.•  Global Sustainability, M.S.•  Health Administration, M.H.A.•  Health Informatics, M.S.H.I.•  History, M.A.•  History, Ph.D.•  Hospitality Management, M.S.•  Industrial Engineering, M.S.I.E.•  Industrial Engineering, Ph.D.•  Information Technology, M.S.I.T.•  Integrated Mathematical Oncology, Ph.D.•  Integrative Biology, Ph.D.•  Intelligence Studies, M.S.•  Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies, M.A.•  Learning Design and Technology, M.S.•  Liberal Arts, M.A.•  Library and Information Science, M.A.•  Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Ph.D.•  Linguistics: English as a Second Language, M.A.•  Management, M.S.•  Marine Science, M.S.•  Marine Science, Ph.D.•  Marketing, M.S.M.•  Marriage and Family Therapy, M.S.•  Mass Communications, M.A.•  Materials Science and Engineering, M.S.M.S.E.•  Mathematics Education (6-12), M.A.T.•  Mathematics, M.A.•  Mathematics, Ph.D.•  Mechanical Engineering, M.S.M.E.•  Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D.•  Medical Sciences, M.S.M.S.•  Medical Sciences, Ph.D.•  Medicine, M.D.•  Microbiology, M.S.•  Middle Grades Mathematics (5-9), M.A.T.•  Music Education, M.A.•  Music, M.M.•  Music, Ph.D.•  Nurse Anesthesiology, D.N.P.•  Nursing (BSN to MSN), M.S.N.•  Nursing Science, Ph.D.•  Nursing, D.N.P.•  Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, M.S.•  Pharmacy, Pharm.D.•  Philosophy, M.A.•  Philosophy, Ph.D.•  Physical Education, M.A.•  Physical Therapy, D.P.T.•  Physician Assistant Studies, M.P.A.S.•  Physics (Applied Physics), Ph.D.•  Physics, M.S.•  Political Science, M.A.•  Politics and International Affairs, Ph.D.•  Psychological Sciences, M.A.•  Psychology, Ph.D.•  Psychology, M.A.•  Public Administration, M.P.A.•  Public Health, Dr.P.H.•  Public Health, M.P.H.•  Public Health, M.S.P.H.•  Public Health, Ph.D.•  Reading Education, M.A.•  Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling (Post-Baccalaureate), M.A.•  Religious Studies, M.A.•  School Psychology, M.A.•  School Psychology, Ph.D.•  Science Education, M.A.T.•  Secondary English Education (ESOL and Reading Endorsements), M.A.T.•  Secondary English Education, M.A.•  Secondary STEM Education, M.S.•  Social Science Education, M.A.T.•  Social Work, M.S.W.•  Social Work, Ph.D.•  Sociology, M.A.•  Sociology, Ph.D.•  Spanish, M.A.•  Special Education, Gifted, M.A.•  Speech-Language Pathology, M.S.•  Sport and Entertainment Management, M.S.•  Statistics, M.A.•  Supply Chain Management, M.S.•  Technology in Education and Second Language Acquisition (TESLA), Ph.D.•  Urban and Community Design, M.U.C.D.•  Urban and Regional Planning, M.U.R.P.•  Women’s and Gender Studies, M.A.

Theses courses are available under the graduate major courses, the application cost is $30, which is N12k.

The course fee is $9.8k, officially less than 4.5m in Naira.

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