There is a scholarship opportunity currently ongoing for Africans, to study in united states of America selected Universities., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The program is available for undergraduate and graduate courses.

The participating institution are TEXAS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Lubbock, Texas, UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS, Fayetteville, Arkansas, CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, Oxford, Ohio, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Honolulu, Hawaii, UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO, Albuquerque, New Mexico, UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, Las Vegas, Nevada, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Ann Arbor, Michigan, UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND. College Park, Maryland, UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY, Lexington, Kentucky, HOWARD UNIVERSITY, Washington D.C., UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON, Houston, Texas, UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, Athens, Georgia, FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY, Tallahassee, Florida, Georgia.

The scholarship opportunity is opened to Africans, and is operated by united states scholarship to Africa.

To be eligible, the applicant must be from Africa, and has passion for academics.

To apply visit united states scholarship to africa website United States Scholarship To Africa (

Also, applicant can submit enquiry to Official Web Site of United States Scholarship To Africa
150 Varick Street, New York, U.S.A.

See also  Scholarship opportunity for Africans in Uk

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