Best Gift Card-Selling Websites In the UK 

Do you wish to go into selling gift cards in the UK and you are searching for the best gift card-selling website? Stop searching. This is the final bus stop. 

Hence, you can purchase gift cards for your acquaintances or friends and; correspondingly, family members. Using the website to make sales would be easy. Plus, early to fetch customers., pub-4436339061114352, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Truth be told, Uk is one of the countries you can buy and sell using gift cards. Therefore, you have greater opportunities to make great sales. 

In this article, we will list some best gift card-selling websites in Uk. Just, calm down and read through. 

Might ask what a gift card is. A gift card is an online or literal voucher you can offer to your loved ones. 

Is Gift Card Selling Website Legit? 

Yes is the answer. Concurrently, there are advantages to selling gift cards through their websites. It offers Visa and Mastercard options which gives it a big benefit over additional online gift card merchants. For instance, 

Having known that selling gift cards through their website is legit; let’s go further to the best-selling website in Uk. 

Best Gift Card Selling Website In the UK 

In Uk, there are various gift card-selling websites but we are going to point out the best among them. They are: 

#1. Raise 

Raise is ranked as one of the best gift card-selling websites in the Uk. you get prospective customers because it is a known website in Uk. 



  • It’s simple to use. 
  • It is free. 
  • It refunds money if you didn’t receive your card. Plus, your cards are guaranteed for 1 year. 


  • Slower payout times. 
  • Not all gifts can be sold digitally and physically. 

2. Gift Card Spread

This is another website where you can sell your gift card. It is a good option for great value gift card purchases. You can also sell elsewhere. 


  • It is simple to use. 
  • It has the best deals. 


  • Difficult card sales. 
  • Negative review. 
  • Poor rating. 

3. Card Kangaroo 

You can sell your gift card here. It allows you to sell a variety of gift cards with discounts. 


  • It is free 
  • Fast selling process 


  • Mailing is compulsory. 

4. GiftCardBin 

This is another website you can also visit. Sell your gift card. It’s good for customer satisfaction. 


  • Nice customer service. 
  • Purchase discounts. 


  • Not BBB accredited.

5. CardCash 

If you want to sell your gift card through a website, visit CardCash. They offer discounts to big retailers. Their process is easy. Just enter your gift card’s brand, number, and PIN. You will receive an instant offer. 


  • User-friendly. 
  • Fast payout
  • Option to sell your u card 


  • Deceiving savings 
  • Often disappointing 

6. Gift Card Granny

Gift Card Granny is one of the best places to sell unwanted gift cards for cash. It works a bit differently than other sites by offering a variety of ways to sell your gift cards. It’s either you sell your gift card directly, list it on the marketplace, or choose from many popular retail gift cards. 

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  • It is free. 
  • It allows you to save money. 
  • It has a rating. 


  • It won’t buy your gift. 
  • Some deals are not impressive. 


No doubt, many people need gift cards. This alone makes it advantageous if you are selling gift cards. There are about six gift card-selling websites where you can start up or buy from them. The most important part is that almost all the websites are free and affordable. Pick any you like, they’re all good. 

By admin

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